Kalamazoo Area Bike Week

Kalamazoo Area Bike Week celebrates the many benefits and joys of bicycling in our greater community. It starts on the Saturday before Mothers Day and runs through the following Saturday. In 2025, Bike Week is May 10-17. Plus, May is National Bike Month, and includes Bike to Work Week and Bike to Work Day! Organizing Bike Week ramps up in January.

Bike Week underscoreS the role bicycling plays in building economically strong AND Physically & MENTALLY HEALTHY communities. Its value IS greater than any one event. OUR message for bicyclists and motorists alike is to ENJOY Life by practicing the golden rule WHILE following the rules of the road. We’RE in this together.

People are bicycling for fun, for basic transportation and to stay fit & healthy in greater numbers than ever. KBW includes many group events — others can be enjoyed with friends, solo or virtually. Many events show what our diverse and vibrant bicycling community offers throughout the year.

We start posting the current year’s events to the calendar in April. Scroll through the calendar (below) or further down this page to check them out. By late April and early May, new Events and Announcements are updated almost daily — so stay tuned. Interested in featuring an event? Check out the Organizer Info page for more information.

Best wishes for safe and happy bicycling during Bike Week and throughout the year!

This site is for general informational and educational purposes. Descriptions may not include important details or last minute changes, so please contact the organizers directly. Health advisories are on our Announcements page.

Upcoming Events

4:30 PM16:30

KBW Orientation & Planning Meeting

Interested in learning more about Bike Week 2025? Join us for a fast paced hour-long meeting to learn more about Bike Week and how to get your events on the calendar. Let’s get the wheels turning! The meeting will be a held in a drop-in format in 30 minute blocks, with 1/2 hour start times on the hour and half hour.

Please Contact Us if you would like to attend. In the meantime, if you are considering whether you want to organize an event, check out our Organizer Info page. Organizers can use this Website Event and Media Release Submission Form to submit events. Want to offer bike-related information to the public or make announcements? Use THIS HANDY FORM for ideas!

Bike Friendly Kalamazoo (BFK) is the Michigan 501c3 non-profit that promotes Bike Week on behalf of the greater community.

Please continue to keep your eyes on Bike Week’s Event Calendar and Facebook page @kalamazoobikeweek for announcements about planning meetings and announcements.

Also be sure to check out Bike Friendly Kalamazoo’s web page at https://bikefriendlykalamazoo.org for related Fall Bike Celebration planning meetings and related announcements.

For bicycling events throughout the year, check out https://bikefriendlykalamazoo.org/events/

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Intro to Gravel Riding
3:00 PM15:00

Intro to Gravel Riding

Learn how to ride scenic, low-traffic dirt and gravel roads! Short introduction to the equipment and techniques, then a ride on Kalamazoo County roads. Ride length options of 11 to 20 miles. We will pace the ride so everyone stays together. Bring a bike with at least 28 mm tires.

Sponsor: C12 Kalamazoo

Cost/Fees: Free

Organizer: John Knowlton

Contact: https://www.kalamazoobicycleclub.org/contact/

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Join a Bike Club or Group
10:00 AM10:00

Join a Bike Club or Group

Our community is home to a variety of bike clubs, teams, and special interest groups such as bicycle-oriented educational and charitable organizations.  A number of local bicycle shops also host regular rides and fun events.  We encourage everyone to explore what they have to offer.

Bike Friendly Kalamazoo publishes the names of local bike clubs at https://bikefriendlykalamazoo.org/clubs-organizations-groups/

Cost/Fees: varies by club; family and multi-year memberships are sometimes offered

Comments: Strong clubs make for strong communities. Consider making a donation to these wonderful organizations and clubs even if you aren’t joining as a member, to support the great work they do!

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KBC’s LGBTQIA+ and Allies Ride
9:40 AM09:40

KBC’s LGBTQIA+ and Allies Ride

LGBTQIA & Allies weekly ride will run April through September. Participants should arrive 15-20 minutes early for introductions, preparations, and safety reminders.
Rollout is promptly at 10:00am, and it will be a no-drop ride. All abilities are welcome! Helmets are required, head lights and tail lights are encouraged.
This Saturday we will group at Oshtemo Grange Hall, 3234 N 3rd St, Kalamazoo, MI 49009

Sponsor: Kalamazoo Bicycle Club

Event Website: https://www.kalamazoobicycleclub.org/

Cost/Fees: None

For More Information, Contact: Jenna Kovach; communications@kalamazoobicycleclub.org

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Volunteer at a Bike Related Charity
9:30 AM09:30

Volunteer at a Bike Related Charity

Local, state and national educational and advocacy non-profits work to make riding a bike safer and more comfortable, building stronger communities at the same time.

Learn more about those in our area by going to https://bikefriendlykalamazoo.org/resources/organizations/

Many rely on donations and volunteers to support their great work.  If you have been meaning to help our greater community become even more bicycle friendly, Bike Week offers a great time to learn more and get involved.

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Learn How to Fix a Flat
9:30 AM09:30

Learn How to Fix a Flat

Learning how to fix a flat tire is one of the best and most practical bike maintenance skills you can learn. Sure, you can take a bike with a flat tire to your local bike shop if you discover it in time. But if you are on the road, knowing how to fix a flat tire will get you home. Believe it or not, with the right tools and parts - all easy enough to carry with you on a ride - most people can fix a flat tire within minutes.

Bike Week is a great time to learn or practice how to do it!

This is a self-directed event! Check out these handy web sites for more information, including a video:



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Smart Cycling Workshop
9:00 AM09:00

Smart Cycling Workshop

SMART CYCLING Workshop (Unofficial but Important Event During Bike Week)

Ride smarter, learn from the pros, and gear up for a great summer full of safe cycling. Learn the basics of safe, smart cycling from League Certified Instructors, with a curriculum certified by the League of American Bicyclists. This course, taught by riders with extensive experience, will provide instruction on the following topics: basic bike fit, inspection, maintenance, safe and legal riding in traffic, skill building, bike safety, and crash prevention. Program participants must be 18 years or older and bring their own bike and helmet. This program includes bicycling on roads with instructors, and through parking lots, and will utilize bike lanes. An online portion of this course must be completed before the in-person session. This course is also a prerequisite to become a League Certified Instructor.

Sponsor: City of Portage

Event website:


Fees/Registration Requirements: $50 per participant; check website for details and registration link.

Comments: Program participants must be 18 years or older and bring their own bike and helmet. This program includes bicycling on roads with instructors, and through parking lots, and will utilize bike lanes. An online portion of this course must be completed before the in-person session. This course is also a prerequisite to become a League Certified Instructor.

For more information, please contact: City of Portage Parks & Recreation, (269) 329-4522

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Open Roads Adult Open Shop
3:00 PM15:00

Open Roads Adult Open Shop

The Fix is a bike repair workshop for adults to access low-cost replacement bike parts and guidance on making repairs. We can also teach you how to do a tune-up and maintain your bike!

Sponsor: Open Roads Bike Program

Cost/Fees: Cost of parts plus a suggested $5 fee.

Website: https://www.openroadsbike.org/adult-programs--open-shop.html

Contact: https://www.openroadsbike.org/contact.html

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Kalamazoo Bicycle Club Friday Morning Women’s Ride
9:30 AM09:30

Kalamazoo Bicycle Club Friday Morning Women’s Ride

There are two friendly no-drop group rides, one at 25-30 miles at 15-16 mph, the other 25-30 miles at 13-14 mph.

Sponsor: Kalamazoo Bicycle Club

Event website: https://www.kalamazoobicycleclub.org/rides/club-rides/

Cost/Fees: No charge. Anyone can join in. KBC membership includes newsletter, Ride with GPS, KBC club insurance and many other benefits.

Comments: Prospective members and new riders are welcome! Please visit to our website to familiarize yourself with rider expectations. Please let your ride leader know if this is your first time riding in a group, and plan to arrive early.

For more information, please contact: Paul Wells; https://www.kalamazoobicycleclub.org/contact/

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WKZO Morning Radio Interview With Ken Lanphear & Special Guest
8:40 AM08:40

WKZO Morning Radio Interview With Ken Lanphear & Special Guest

Enjoy WKZO’s Morning Radio Show with host Ken Lanphear, at 590 AM or 106.9 FM Kalamazoo, MI. Ken and his guest will highlight what’s happening during Kalamazoo Bike Week with a conversation that should interest everyone. The 4-5 interviews move fast, so be sure to tune in early.

Today’s guest: Paul Sotherland, Awards & Grants Chair, Kalamazoo Bicycle Club

Sponsor: WKZO Radio, 590 AM - 106.9 FM

Event website: https://wkzo.com/shows/

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National Ride Your Bike To Work Day
7:30 AM07:30

National Ride Your Bike To Work Day

National Bike to Work Day takes place on the third Friday in May, right in the middle of National Bike Month. The observance encourages us to bike to work AND raises awareness of cyclists as they commute to and from work each day.

As more and more people take to bicycles for transportation to and from work, it’s important for both cyclists and drivers to share the road safely. Both must be aware of the traffic laws and follow them. More and more communities are adding bike lanes to improve safety. In the United States, from the year 2000 to 2011, the number of bicycle commuters grew by more than 47 percent.

Some of the benefits of commuting to work by bicycle include:

  • Physical fitness – Cyclists get an aerobic workout before and after work. It’s also low impact exercise which is easy on the joints, unlike jogging.

  • Fuel savings – They save fuel costs which in turn puts more money back in their pockets.

  • Smaller carbon footprint – By cycling, they reduce carbon emissions resulting in cleaner air.

  • Automobile longevity – Get more life out of their motor vehicle by using it for more necessary trips.

So join others throughout the country, your co-workers and friends - try riding to work.

Ride to your workplace.  Check out commuter and other routes at: https://bikefriendlykalamazoo.org/trails-routes/

A growing number of various bicycle-related events will be held in communities nationwide. Join them in the celebration by biking to work. If you have a bit of distance to cover, consider these bike to work tips to break into the bike to work crowd. Use #BikeToWorkDay to post on social media.

Sign up on Love to Ride to make a record of your Bike to Work Day Ride, at: https://www.lovetoride.net/usa

Additional Information:
Love to Ride USA is a nationwide service sponsored by the League of American Bicyclists that unites thousands of new and existing bicyclists across the country in friendly competition designed to celebrate and encourage biking. This is a great way to get connected to other bike-friendly — and bike-curious — folks in your community and across the country. Join at any time as an individual or form a team. Sign up today and make every mile count!

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Kalamazoo Commuter Challenge
to May 30

Kalamazoo Commuter Challenge

The Kalamazoo County Commuter Challenge is a two-week event that engages people in riding their bicycles for trips – to work, shop, dine, or simply to enjoy cycling – in and around Kalamazoo, Portage, Vicksburg, Richland, or...throughout Kalamazoo County. The event is open to everyone - as a team member or individually, employed, retired, a student, or just in it to have fun. Organizations, including workplaces, will compete against similar sized groups to climb leaderboards, win prizes, and work together to create more vibrant communities. Together we will activate our bikeways with people doing practical cycling while discovering more of Kalamazoo County.

Sponsor: City of Kalamazoo, Pedal Bicycles, Gazelle Sports, the Kalamazoo Bicycle Club, Bell's Brewery, Love to Ride

Event website: https://www.lovetoride.net/kalamazoo

Cost/Fees/Registration Requirements: sign up at event website; track rides w/app (recommended)

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6:00 PM18:00

Thursday Group Ride

It’s the bike week special edition of PEDAL’s shop road ride. There are a selection of rides for everyone, from 15mph to rocket ship fast. We’ll ride from 20-30 miles and have a great time. Join us! Helmets are absolutely required and a good tail light is strongly recommended.

Sponsor: Pedal Bicycle

Cost/Fees: None

Primary Contact: Tim Krone; info@pedalbicycle.com; 269-324-3325

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6:00 PM18:00

E Bike 101

What is an E-Bike? What to consider when purchasing an E-Bike. State and Federal legislation to provide rebates for purchasing and E-Bike. Updated information on the E-Bike market (recent February 2024 study by ebike.org). Presented by Dick Hewitt, Chair, Portage Bike Advisory Committee and member of Kalamazoo Bike Club.

Sponsor: Portage Public LIbrary

Event website: https://events.portagelibrary.info/event/9758718

Cost/Fees: free

For more information, please contact: Rachael Wiegmann; rwiegmann@portagelibrary.info

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Open Roads Youth Open Shop
4:00 PM16:00

Open Roads Youth Open Shop

The Fix is a bike repair workshop for youth 18 & under to access free replacement bike parts and guidance on making repairs. We can also teach you how to do a tune-up and maintain your bike!

Sponsor: Open Roads Bike Program

Cost/Fees: Free for youth

Website: https://www.openroadsbike.org/the-fix.html

Contact: info@openroadsbike.org

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2:30 PM14:30

Tandem Time Trial Competition for Blind & Vision Impaired Youth

The Michigan Sports Education Camp for Blind & Vision Impaired Youth is looking for tandem cycling captains and volunteers willing to support introducing the sport of cycling to youth with vision impairments. This events will be a semi-competitive “time trial” event where youth athletes test out their newly acquired skills. Come join this amazing event that has taken place in Kalamazoo for 35 years.

Sponsor: Michigan Blind Athletic Association

Event website: https://miblindsports.org/sportscamp/

Primary Contact: joshua.r.harrington@gmail.com

Cost/Fees: free

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WKZO Morning Radio Interview With Ken Lanphear & Special Guest
8:40 AM08:40

WKZO Morning Radio Interview With Ken Lanphear & Special Guest

Enjoy WKZO’s Morning Radio Show with host Ken Lanphear, at 590 AM or 106.9 FM Kalamazoo, MI. Ken and his guest will highlight what’s happening during Kalamazoo Bike Week with a conversation that should interest everyone. The 4-5 interviews move fast, so be sure to tune in early.

Today’s guest: Isaac Green, Executive Director, Open Roads Bike Program

Sponsor: WKZO Radio, 590 AM - 106.9 FM

Event website: https://wkzo.com/shows/

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Kalamazoo Bicycle Club’s Wednesday Night Ride
6:15 PM18:15

Kalamazoo Bicycle Club’s Wednesday Night Ride

  • Kal-Haven Trailhead parking lot on 10th St (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

There are several ride groups at paces from 16-18 mph to 22+ mph. These are faster rides on hilly roads northwest of Kalamazoo. The end time is approximate. More experience on the part of the riders is recommended/assumed. Knowing you can ride at these paces is a personally rewarding and exhilarating athletic experience.

Sponsor: Kalamazoo Bicycle Club

Event website: kalamazoobicycleclub.org/rides/

Cost/Fees: No charge to join KBC rides. KBC membership includes newsletter, Ride with GPS, KBC club insurance and many other benefits.

Comments: Prospective members and new riders are welcome! Please visit to our website to familiarize yourself with rider expectations. Please let your ride leader know if this is your first time riding in a group, and plan to arrive early. Due to the pace and hills, this ride is more challenging than KBC’s Monday Night Ride. If you are not experienced riding in a group in these conditions, we suggest work your way up to it on our Monday Night Rides and/or try riding for this pace and distance on hills before deciding which night is best for you.

For more information, please contact: Paul Wells at educationchair@kalamazoobicycleclub.org

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6:00 PM18:00

Ladies MTB Ride

  • Warnaar Trail at Meyer Broadway County Park (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Ladies! Grab your mountain bike and ride with us! We’ll ride the fantastic Warnaar Trail at Meyer Broadway Park in Three Rivers. It’s seven miles of great fun with women of all skill levels. Whether you’re a shredder, an intermediate rider or just figuring it out, YOU ARE WELCOME, and we’ll have a great time.

Sponsor: Pedal

Cost/Fees: free

For more information, please contact: Pedal Bicycle; 269-324-5555, info@pedalbicycle.com

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6:00 PM18:00

Tandem Ride Clinic for Blind & Vision Impaired Youth

The Michigan Sports Education Camp for Blind & Vision Impaired Youth is looking for tandem cycling captains and volunteers willing to support introducing the sport of cycling to youth with vision impairments. This clinic will teach the basics of riding stoker in a tandem team and introducing different types of tandem bikes. Come join this amazing event that has taken place in Kalamazoo for 35 years.

Sponsor: Michigan Blind Athletic Association

Event website: https://miblindsports.org/sportscamp/

Primary Contact: joshua.r.harrington@gmail.com

Cost/Fees: free

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Kalamazoo Bike Rodeo
5:00 PM17:00

Kalamazoo Bike Rodeo

The City of Kalamazoo Parks and Recreation department is hosting a Bike Rodeo Wednesday, May 17th from 5-7pm at Mayor’s Riverfront Parking lot. This event will teach bike safety and skills. There will also be a bike and helmet fitting. Youth will receive a passport for each station completed. At the end of the course each child will receive a certificate of completion. There will also be giveaways and refreshments during the event.

Sponsor: Kzoo Parks

Event Website: https://www.kzooparks.org/Home

Cost/Fees: No cost

Primary Contact: Kya Mitchell; mitchellk@kalamazoocity.org

Photo courtesy Kalamazoo Gazette

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Local Bicycling Developments: 2024 & Beyond (Theme: "Suddenly Visible")
4:00 PM16:00

Local Bicycling Developments: 2024 & Beyond (Theme: "Suddenly Visible")

  • Kalamazoo, Michigan Avenue Kalamazoo, MI United States (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

You won’t want to miss this fast-paced series of presentations by planners, builders, and users of bicycling infrastructure in great Kalamazoo. Click HERE for a video recording of the session (should work as long as WebEx keeps it active). This year’s presenters (in alphabetical order) and their presentations include:

  • Rachel Bennett - Director, Oakland Drive Winchell Neighborhood Ass’n - Pedaling Parenthood: Navigating Bike Commutes with Your Tiny Co-Pilots

  • Nolan Bergstrom - Community Planner & NFP Board Liaison, City of Kalamazoo - Where Kalamazoo stands in its current plan

  • Nathan Browning - ModeShift Kalamazoo - Strong Towns Advocates of Kalamazoo

  • Marcy Hamilton - Senior Planner/Deputy Executive Director, Southwest Michigan Planning Commission - What is the Southwest Michigan Planning Commission, and, what are some of its recent non-motorized projects?

  • Kathleen Hoyle - Director, Parks & Recreation, City of Portage - Still going for the gold (Bike Friendly Community Award)!

  • Dave Rachowicz - Director, Kalamazoo County Parks - KRVT / Kalamazoo River Valley Trail Routes Update

  • plus Special Guests!

Meeting Link: Click HERE to register for the meeting (RSVP due noon May 14); a Webex link will be emailed the morning of the meeting.

The theme this year’s web meeting is “Suddenly Visible.” For year’s we’ve been talking about bicycling and active transportation. Now it seems like everything is happening before our very eyes - it’s suddenly become very visible! People are reacting like they’ve never seen a bike lane before - and some of the newer infrastructure is indeed very new to greater Kalamazoo! Hear from those who are making it happen, using the results and planning the future.

Sponsor: Bike Friendly Kalamazoo (BFK) and Southwest Michigan Planning Commission (SWMPC)

Meeting Moderator: Paul Rehkopf, MD, Vice President, Bike Friendly Kalamazoo

Cost/Fees: Free

Pre-registration Link: Click HERE to pre-register for the meeting (RSVP due noon May 14); a Webex link will be emailed the morning of the meeting to those who pre-registered.

Public is welcome! Respect for the presenters and participants is expected.

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WKZO Morning Radio Interview With Ken Lanphear & Special Guest
8:40 AM08:40

WKZO Morning Radio Interview With Ken Lanphear & Special Guest

Enjoy WKZO’s Morning Radio Show with host Ken Lanphear, at 590 AM or 106.9 FM Kalamazoo, MI. Ken and his guest will highlight what’s happening during Kalamazoo Bike Week with a conversation that should interest everyone. The 4-5 interviews move fast, so be sure to tune in early.

Today’s guest: Paul Rehkopf, Vice President, Bike Friendly Kalamazoo

Sponsor: WKZO Radio, 590 AM - 106.9 FM

Event website: https://wkzo.com/shows/

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7:00 PM19:00

Cycling Shorts

KBC’s Cycling Shorts in May, during Kalamazoo Bike Week, will feature a presentation by Steve Johnson (Johnson Cycle Works) on “The Priority 600 and Its Pinion Gearbox.” Come and learn about the intriguing Pinion Gearbox and hear Steve’s assessment of the system and the bike. We will also feature a short presentation about the Kalamazoo Commuter Challenge and Love to Ride - Kalamazoo County. Everyone is welcome; please join us.

Sponsor: Kalamazoo Bicycle Club

Event website: https://www.kalamazoobicycleclub.org/

Cost/Fees/Registration Requirements: free

For more information, please contact: Paul Sotherland; grantsandawardscommittee@kalamazoobicycleclub.org

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Social Ride from PEDAL to One Well… And Back!
7:00 PM19:00

Social Ride from PEDAL to One Well… And Back!

  • Pedal Bicycle (Portage Location at 185 Romence in Porage as well!) (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

It’s a social ride to One Well from PEDAL, either PEDAL. We’ll have introductions at seven and set out immediately thereafter. The ride will be chill and around 4 miles each way. Front and rear lights are mandatory, as is a helmet. Once at One Well, we’ll sample their wares, enjoy witty conversation, then ride back to the shop. All are welcome. It’s big fun.

Location: Pedal, 611 W Michigan Avenue, Kalamazoo, MI 49007 OR Pedal, 185 Romence Road, Portage, MI 49024

Sponsor: Pedal

Cost/Fees: None

Primary Contact: Tim Krone; info@pedalbicycle.com; 269-324-5555 (Pedal South), 269-567-3325 (Pedal Downtown)

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6:30 PM18:30

Tandem Ride Clinic for Blind & Vision Impaired Youth

The Michigan Sports Education Camp for Blind & Vision Impaired Youth is looking for tandem cycling captains and volunteers willing to support introducing the sport of cycling to youth with vision impairments. This clinic will teach the basics of riding stoker in a tandem team and introducing different types of tandem bikes. Come join this amazing event that has taken place in Kalamazoo for 35 years.

Sponsor: Michigan Blind Athletic Association

Event website: https://miblindsports.org/sportscamp/

Primary Contact: joshua.r.harrington@gmail.com

Cost/Fees: free

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Kalamazoo Bicycle Club’s Tuesday Night Women's Ride
6:00 PM18:00

Kalamazoo Bicycle Club’s Tuesday Night Women's Ride

Tuesday Night Women’s Ride meets at the Celery Flats Picnic Pavilion to enjoy 20-30 miles of quiet country roads with friendly and supportive women. The routes are mostly flat, with some rollers on the longer routes.  Three paces are supported with ride leaders: 14 mph and under, 15-16 mph and 17+ mph average. The Portage trail system is there, too, if you prefer a slower roll.

Sponsor: Kalamazoo Bicycle Club

Event website: kalamazoobicycleclub.org

Cost/Fees: Free!

Comments: Prospective members and new riders are welcome! Please visit to our website to familiarize yourself with rider expectations. Please let your ride leader know if this is your first time riding in a group, and plan to arrive early.

For more information, please contact: Paul Wells at educationchair@kalamazoobicycleclub.org

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Kalamazoo Bicycle Club Monthly Meeting
6:00 PM18:00

Kalamazoo Bicycle Club Monthly Meeting

The Kalamazoo Bicycle Club’s May monthly meeting is on the second Tuesday or every month, and starts with a business meeting at 6:00, and then has a bike related general interest presentation at 7:00 on a range of topics (see the KBC website at kalamazoobicycleclub.org for details.)

Sponsor: Kalamazoo Bicycle Club

Event website: https://www.kalamazoobicycleclub.org/

Cost/Fees/Registration Requirements: free

For more information, please contact: Paul Wells, educationchair@kalamazoobicycleclub.org

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WKZO Morning Radio Interview With Ken Lanphear & Special Guest
8:40 AM08:40

WKZO Morning Radio Interview With Ken Lanphear & Special Guest

Enjoy WKZO’s Morning Radio Show with host Ken Lanphear, at 590 AM or 106.9 FM Kalamazoo, MI. Ken and his guest will highlight what’s happening during Kalamazoo Bike Week with a conversation that should interest everyone. The 4-5 interviews move fast, so be sure to tune in early.

Today’s guest: Paul Wells, Education Chair, Kalamazoo Bicycle Club

Sponsor: WKZO Radio, 590 AM - 106.9 FM

Event website: https://wkzo.com/shows/

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Kalamazoo Bicycle Club Monday Night Ride
6:15 PM18:15

Kalamazoo Bicycle Club Monday Night Ride

This is one of KBC’s regular weekly rides. There are up to eight ride groups, from 12-13 mph, to 19-21 mph, on several routes, from 15 to 30 miles.

Comments: KBC uses one of its Monday Night Ride groups to offer a “Bike Camp” like experience (similar to Run Camp is for runners) at no charge, during which additional tips about riding are offered and the pace is typically slower.
Prospective members and new riders are welcome! Please visit our website to familiarize yourself with rider expectations. If this is your first time riding with KBC in a group, please let your ride leader know that, and plan to arrive early.

Sponsor: Kalamazoo Bicycle Club

Event Website: https://www.kalamazoobicycleclub.org/rides/club-rides/

Primary Contact: Paul Wells; https://www.kalamazoobicycleclub.org/contact/

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Mountain Bike Monday -- Bike Week Hot Dog Edition!
6:00 PM18:00

Mountain Bike Monday -- Bike Week Hot Dog Edition!

Let’s ride mountain bikes and eat gilled goodies! We’ll meet and introduce ourselves at six and ride shortly thereafter. ALL MOUNTAIN BIKERS ARE WELCOME. Bring your whip, a helmet and your stunning personality. We’ll have a great time on the trail and afterward eating a hot dog.

Sponsor: Pedal Bicycle

Cost/Fees: None

Primary Contact: Tim Krone; info@pedalbicycle.com; 269-324-3325

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